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Counselling offers a confidential, safe space in which you can talk and explore whatever it is you are struggling with.


I have been trained in the Person-Centred approach.  This means that I work non-judgmentally and empathically, from the basic assumption that we all have an in-born ability and drive to find our own way towards growth – to become ever better versions of ourselves, and that this process is facilitated under the right conditions (of compassion, acceptance and authenticity).  Hence, I work from the belief that although life can throw obstacles into this process and create issues, even crises, we all possess the solution to this somewhere within us.

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How can counselling help me?


I will accompany you on your journey to help you explore and understand your issues and help you unlock the solutions: to help you understand what these obstacles are, how they affect you and how to deal with them, is something we work at in our sessions. 

Although my approach is Person-Centred, I also draw inspiration from other approaches, theories and tools, always with the aim to help you in a way that feels helpful to you.  In the end, the counselling process is there to help you make sense of things, to help you work through difficult times, to help you become better equipped for the future, and to help you get a better sense of who you are.


It is therefore only natural that it should be tailored to your needs.  And because you know yourself best, the therapy will centre around what feels helpful to you: because you are effectively in charge, I will facilitate your exploration – not interpreting for you, or telling you what to do (although I may offer a suggestion at times).

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What issues can you help with?

I have extensive experience in working with bereavement and loneliness from volunteering for Cruse and AgeUK .  In addition, my own life experiences as well as client work have resulted in the following expertise areas:


Loss & Bereavement (including Divorce); Self-esteem; Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Anger, Work-related issues, Relationships, Identity / Sense of Self; Sexuality / LGBTQ+ related; Cultural & Religious Differences; and ‘Bigger Questions’ (incl. meaning of life, world views, faith/religion based issues*).


This list is not exhaustive, and I am more than happy to help you explore anything that you wish to bring.


* I am faith aware and have experience of working with Sikh, Christian and Muslim clients.

“Spirituality offers a worldview that suggests there is more to life than just what people experience on a sensory and physical level.”


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What different options do you provide?

  • I work mainly working day hours, but also provide some evenings slots.

  • Following a recent move to Wales (Llandeilo area), I use a local therapy room for in-person counselling in Llandeilo and in Carmarthen.  I also continue to provide online/ telephone counselling UK-wide and abroad.

  • I do reserve a few slots for low-income clients (see Prices & Policies).

  • Based on your needs and your budget, we can discuss the number of sessions you want to work towards initially.

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So - what will happen?

FIRST CONTACT: Because it is only natural to be hesitant for sharing very private aspects of your life with a stranger, it is important to feel comfortable with your therapist.  I therefore offer an initial 30-minute consultation for free.  During this, I invite you to say a little about the nature of the issue(s) for which you seek help; check availability for a slot that suits you best for our weekly sessions; explain a little about myself and how I work; and give you the opportunity to ask any questions.  This will give you an opportunity to get a sense of whether you would like to work with me.  If you do not feel fully comfortable about working with me, for whatever reason, it may be worth looking further for a counsellor you are genuinely happy with, and I will not be offended.


SESSIONS:  The empathic, non-judgmental approach should provide a warm and trustworthy space in which you feel you can enter to talk, to be heard, to just ‘be’, and to explore that which troubles you – to gradually make sense of it all and discover helpful ways of coping, dealing or tackling the issue(s) that brought you to counselling. 


Sessions are offered on a weekly basis for as long as you feel you need and/or can afford them.  They can be difficult and hard work, but that may be expected when working with the difficulties that motivated you to seek counselling.


ENDING: Although you decide when you wish to end the therapy, in my experience it helps to work towards a good ending to bring together what has been explored, to celebrate your achievements, etc. – so 1or 2 week’s notice is strongly recommended.


Exactly that

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